How to root & install CWM on ATT Samsung Galaxy S III I747 No Tripping Flash Counter

7:45 PM

Today I will show you how to root your At&t Galaxy S III without tripping flash counter. Rooting is very easy task. But installing CWM will need little bit of work. You will need adb installed for that. After that just follow the guide step by step and you will have rooted I747 without triggering your flash counter.This method will not erase anything, so you will not loose any apps or personal data. 

Here is all the files that you need to download. 

Step 1: Download the files and unzip them.

Step 2: Connect your phone to computer and copy over recovery.img to your internal sd card. Make sure you do not put that in any folder.

Step 3: Open up Odin folder and run Odin3 v1.85 and unselect  F. Rest Time.

Step 4: Put your phone into down load mod. First Turn off your phone. Then Press Volume down, Power and home button. You will see following screen.

Step 5: Then Press Volume Up and you will see following screen.

 Step 6: Connect your SIII to computer. Once you connect your phone you will see yellow box on upper left corner on Odin.

Step 7: Now Press PDA and browse for the location of the downloaded files. And SelectStock_root67.tar and open it. 

Step 8: Press Start.

Step 9: Phone will reboot once its done flashing. And you will get Pass on upper left corner.

Step 10: Now download any of the app that requires root request and make sure you have root.

Step 11: Go to your phone and enable usb debugging under setting>developer's option.

Step 12: Connect your phone to your windows computer and open up command prompt.

Step 13: Type adb on your command prompt then you will see all the commands that adb offers.

Step 14: Type adb shell then type su after that type  dd if=/sdcard/recovery.img of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p18 

Step 15: You will see following in your command prompt. 
shell@android:/ $ su
shell@android:/ # dd if=/sdcard/recovery.img of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p18
13992+0 records in
13992+0 records out
7163904 bytes transferred in 1.672 secs (4284631 bytes/sec)

Step 16: Now Just type " reboot recovery " in command prompt.

Step 17: You now have rooted At&t SGSIII I747 with CWM installed.  


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