Samsung Galaxy S3 I9300 (4.1.2) - Extreme Multitasking

5:08 AM

Running Facebook + Twitter + 1080p video + popup browser at the same time.

[Leaked JB Firmware] I9300XXELK4 (4.1.2) - ODIN Firmware - NEW FEATURES! [15-11-12]

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  1. Great post. I nearly just threw my iphone at the wall into a 1000 pieces. i cant believe im saying this but im buying a samsung motherfuckin galaxy in a few days. after just a month ago me and my sister were laughing about how tacky and crap they are..
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    1. I thought so also but this phone made me see the light.

  2. Hello, I appreciate your sharing. Wanna know something crazy? I used the tethering feature on my galaxy s3 to connect my xbox360 using my phone data plan. I love my s3. When they coined it as a "superphone" they weren't kidding lol. thanks all!
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